Learning the Basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Before you start to promote your business website on Facebook and other social networks, you need a good marketing plan. That’s why it is important for you to learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to promote your site, get the best ranking and direct more website visitors to your Facebook website. For example, a good strategy is to maintain a high spot on Google or Bing to receive great search-results for your website page.

Learning SEO can be complicated. However, the following includes some simple and easy steps that you can apply to your site that can increase your standing in the search engine ranking of your site. Everything takes a little time and effort when dealing with promoting a website. So, patience is the key to this endeavor, but the reward is great. Here are some tips about SEO and how to apply them to your Facebook website:

Watch your Website and Understand where you Rank

You need to monitor your website regularly in order to know if your SEO is working or where you are located in the search engine status. For example, you can use a ranking tool like “Alexa.” It is a good marketing strategy to keep you informed about the search terms your visitors use to find you and where your visitor come from.

Use Keywords

You should list your keyword throughout your website such as the image names, URLs, titles, and/or in the content of your page. Also, placing the keyword into the page header and the title tag is important to your search ranking. The keywords that you use are similar to your search terms. They both are ways for your visitors to find the topic that you are talking about. However, be careful not to overstuff your site with too many keywords so that you are looked at as a spammer. All you have to do is plan when and where to use your keywords so that they will work in your favor.

The Importance of Linking the URL Back to your Website

Using the SEO to integrate your links internally is a good basic strategy. In other words, link your website back to yourself to boost traffic to your page. Also, when creating a new content link back to your archives make your anchor text search-engine-friendly.

Search Engine Optimization is an important strategy to use. It allows you to rank higher on the search engine platform and maintain great search-results for your website.